A Measurement Model based on Fuzzy Weighted Index to Examine the Socioeconomic Inequality (Case Study: Urban Village Sawah, Ciputat, Indonesia)
Ditdit Nugeraha Utama, Fitroh, Nuryasin, EriRustamaji, Nurbojatmiko, IbnuQoyim
The Williamson index (WI) is generally utilized to measure the regional socioeconomic inequality. The parameter
of fiscal capacity per capita is theoretical foundation of measurement. By using the desk based research, the
extended version of WI measurement model was constructed. Based on WI that is as a basic method to measure
the regional’s economical gap, parameters education and health were embedded inside. Another method fuzzylogic
was used as well to hypothetically prioritize the parameters involved. Thus, the proposed measurement
model will be able to methodically quantify either both or combination of both education and health inequalities
of regional (urban village).Paper represents the construction of proposed model (based on fuzzy index)that is
possible able to examine the region inequality. The empirical data coming from case study in urban village
Sawah, Ciputat (Indonesia) were used to realize the measurement.
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