Journal of Business & Economic Policy

ISSN 2375-0766 (Print), 2375-0774 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jbep

Learning of Business Statistics: Online versus Classroom Courses
Rolando Pena-Sanchez

This article describes the undergraduate students' academic progress through online and classic classroom (face to face) business statistics courses during the period 2012-2016; where, each student must maintain updated his/her GPA as a preliminary requirement specified by the Office of Financial Aid in order to get a scholarship. A nonparametric statistical technique named “the Friedman's test” was selected (whose justification is explained via the Levene's statistic) to perform the data analysis. Given that, the dropout of a course is an event that is associated to the learning-teaching process; this report focuses on the statistical summary of the students’ tendency about the dropouts (withdrawals) of their courses during the regular academic periods of fall, spring, and summer

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