Journal of Business & Economic Policy

ISSN 2375-0766 (Print), 2375-0774 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jbep

An Assessment of Women’s Awareness and Symptoms in Menopause (A Study with Reference to Academic Women’s at Sri Lanka)
Shakila. P, Dr. P. Sridharan, Dr. S. Thiyagarajan

Menopause is a step of a woman’s life when hormonal changes cause menstruation to stop permanently. Menopausal symptoms can be assessed by several tools, and can be influenced by various socio-demographic factors. The main objective of the study is to undergo a survey of the symptoms and awareness associated with menopause among Sri Lankan academic women ranging from the age 25 to 60. By using modified MRS (Menopause Rating Scale) questionnaire, 50 Sri Lankan women aged 25-60 years were interviewed to document of 10 symptoms divided into somatic, psychological and physiological symptoms which are commonly associated with menopause. The mean age of menopause was 52 years (range 47 - 56 years). The most extensive symptoms reported were joint and muscular pains (76%); physical and mental exhaustion (58%); and concentration and sleeping problems (60%) followed by symptoms of hot flushes and night sweating (66%); irritability (64%); itching in private parts (68%); anxiety (92%); depressive mood (80%). Correspond to other studies on Indian women however the prevalence of classical menopausal symptoms of sleeping problems physical and mental exhaustion was lower compared to studies on Sri Lankan women. The prevalence of menopausal symptoms was measured using modified MRS in this study. Very few studies have been undertaken regarding the importance of women’s awareness level about the menopause phenomenon in their mental, psychological, and physical health, therefore this research finding will contribute to the available body of knowledge in this area.

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